Adrian Wojnarowski on Drafting History, Then Giving It Voice

data-mm-id=”_mhx59hkc3″>Bombs are not subtle. There is little nuance in maximum blast. They often leave the world splintered into two measures of time: before impact and after. But it's always more complicated than a single cause and effect.Adrian Wojnarowski is known for his scoops yet transactional reporting (and as this sentence is being typed he's breaking Chris Paul to Phoenix) did not land him atop the NBA media mountain. His best selling Miracle of St. Anthony was, at its core, about humans doing extraordinary things. When Giannis Antetokounmpo runs like an actual deer, eliciting fear in every defender within a 60-foot radius, a fierce collision with the rim is imminent. He is one of basketball's best players because he possesses almost superhuman physical gifts. …